
Birkana SVG generator.

Recently I read this awesome article about representing hexadecimal numbers using runic system. So I created this little program that takes hexadecimal string on stdin and spits out SVG data on stdout. The code is not that nice, I just wanted a working version.


You can download binary versions for most common platforms from releases section.


Since cross-compilation is not in very much working state right now, you’ll have to build the binary yourselves.


git clone
cd rust-birkana
cargo build --release
mv target/release/rust-birkana .

Now you should be able use the program as described in usage section.


echo "0123456789abcdef" | rust-birkana > target.svg

This results in this kind of SVG image:

This is a image of my name encoded in UTF-8 and represented as HEX:

You can now use this crate as a module:

In your Cargo.toml add:

rust-birkana = "1.1"

And use it like this:

extern crate rust_birkana;

use rust_birkana::document_from_string;

let document = document_from_string(hex_string);
let svg_string = document.to_string();